SIGN UP NOW! Only $10/mo.
Check our service area map to make sure we are currently servicing your neighborhood.
By clicking the payment plan option below, you accept our terms & conditions (please review before signup). You will be directed to a secure form and will need to submit payment information before your order is complete.
A confirmation email will be sent within two business days detailing your pickup day, start date, and the delivery of a Crush Glass curbside recycling bin.
You can cancel at any time, just contact us and we will schedule the final pickup and collection of our recycling bin.
*If we don't currently service your area, then contact us to be placed on the pre-registered list to receive an email once service starts in your area.
*If you need a replacement bin due to loss or damage, then we will replace it for an additional charge. Please contact us for additional or replacement bins.
Best Value (1-month FREE)
- Crush Glass will pick up every other week (unless otherwise noted)
- Crush Glass will email you the day before your regular pickup day. If you wish to opt-out of the email reminders, you may unsubscribe at any time.
- Bins must be placed outside by 7 am CST on the scheduled pick-up date.
- If for any reason, you wish to cancel your service, you must notify Crush Glass ( or 816-490-7537) before your next pickup.
- If for any reason, we need to suspend service, Crush Glass will provide notice via email to the subscriber.
- If payment is more than 30 days late, Crush Glass may choose to suspend service.
- Bins are property of Crush Glass. Crush Glass will provide an 18-gallon bin. If you wish to cancel service, Crush Glass will retrieve the bin on the last day of service to avoid additional charges.