SIGN UP NOW! Only $10/mo.
Check our service area map to make sure we are currently servicing your neighborhood.
By clicking the payment plan option below, you accept our terms & conditions (please review before signup). You will be directed to a secure form and will need to submit payment information before your order is complete.
A confirmation email will be sent within two business days detailing your pickup day, start date, and the delivery of a Crush Glass curbside recycling bin.
You can cancel at any time, just contact us and we will schedule the final pickup and collection of our recycling bin.
*If we don't currently service your area, then contact us to be placed on the pre-registered list to receive an email once service starts in your area.
**If you need a replacement bin due to loss or damage of the bin we provided you, then we can replace it. This might be for an additional charge depending on situation or being a repeat offender. Please contact us for additional or replacement bins.
Best Value (1-month FREE)
Crush Glass is a subscription service that automatically renews until service is cancelled by the customer (procedure below.) The customer's participation, or lack there of, in service will not dictate subscription renewals as this is automatic.
Crush Glass uses email as a primary form of communication and required at signup in order to create the customer's account. For this reason, we request the customer provides a non-work related personal email that is regularly monitored to receive our notifications regarding subscription confirmation, renewals, service details, payment confirmation, payment issues, delays in glass collections, schedule changes, suspended service, emergency alerts, and other important announcements. We have discovered many challenges with work related emails from a company's firewalls and heightened security either blocking or flagging our emails as spam as well as a customer changing jobs without remembering to update our accounts.
Crush Glass will not share, sell, or solicit customer information to any other party affiliated or unaffiliated with Crush Glass for any reason.
Crush Glass will email the day prior to a reoccurring pick-up date. In order to opt-out of the email reminders, customers may unsubscribe at any time.
Crush Glass will collect customer's glass once a month (unless otherwise contracted.)
Glass must be placed outside by the curb, adjacent to sidewalk, or at the end of the driveway by 7 am CST on the scheduled pick-up date. Please notify us if you have challenges meeting those requirements. We understand every home is different or a customer may have physical limitations and will need modified options.
Glass shall be placed inside a designated Crush Glass recycling bin. This is what Crush Glass drivers are primarily looking for, and the size allows for a safe amount of weight that they are trained to handle.
Crush Glass will provide one 18-gallon bin on the first scheduled pick-up date (unless early delivery option is provided.) The customer shall place only glass in the bin for pickup, and will remove all trash and other recyclables. We reserve the right not to collect your glass, if bin contains other materials.
The provided bins shall remain property of Crush Glass, but shall be the customer's responsibility while in possession of the bin. The resale of our bin is not allowed and prohibited by law.
Crush Glass will replace any lost or damaged bins, but reserve the right to receive compensation for offenses beyond reasonable levels or damage caused not from ordinary use and exposure over time. To deface or damage the bins outside of natural wear and tear is an act of vandalism.
The customer at times may have an overflow of glass beyond the capacity of our bin, which is great news. We request that you place it in a similar size container, bucket, or box right next to our bin so the driver is able to clearly see it. Please do not use bags of any kind (paper or plastic) as it presents a safety hazard for the drivers, and we reserve the right not to collect your glass in that bag. An additional bin may be provided by request for customers with consistent overflow every month and at the recommendation of a Crush Glass driver.
If for any reason you wish to cancel service, you must notify Crush Glass via email or phone (info@crushglasskc.com or 816-490-7537) at least 24 hours prior to your next scheduled pick-up day. If notified less than 24 hours or after glass collection, then final day of service may occur on next month's scheduled pick-up day.
Upon cancellation of service, Crush Glass will retrieve our bin and the collection of customer's remaining glass saved on the final day of service. We reserve the right to receive compensation for unreturned bins. To not return bin upon service cancellation is an act of theft unless written permission to keep bin is provided from Crush Glass to the customer.
If the Crush Glass subscription is set to renew prior to the customer's scheduled final day of service, then we reserve the right to charge for that month's service in order to allow for retrieval of our bin and the collection of customer's remaining glass saved.