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Am I locked into a contract for an extended period of time?

No, Crush Glass is a month-to-month service as we understand things can change. We do ask that you honor any extended subscription you paid for and received a discount.  You may cancel at any time, but please be sure to contact us prior to your next scheduled pickup date or subscription renewal.  Please refer to our terms & conditions.


Do you provide service to businesses and commercial properties that use glass products?

Yes, we absolutely do! Crush Glass is actually contracted with many of Kansas City's restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels, condos, wineries, office buildings, and retirement homes just to name a few.  We provide a 64-gallon cart on wheels and have many pickup frequency options from monthly up to multiple times per week if needed.  Please contact us to receive a quote and more details.

How will I be billed for service?

Payments are set up in order to complete the signup process.  You will make an initial payment and future payments will be processed when your subscription automatically renews depending on what option you choose.


When will my glass get picked up?

Crush Glass will pick the glass up from your curbside once a month. We might be able to coordinate it with trash day but not a guarantee. Please refer to the pickup calendar to confirm your monthly pickup day, and possible holiday delays.  We will also send you a pickup reminder email the day prior to your scheduled collection date as a way to help you not forget.


What if I forget to get my bin out on time?

Crush Glass requires the bins to be out by 7 am on the scheduled pick-up date.  If you forget, then contact us as we may not have reached you yet or might still be in the area to circle back and collect your glass.  If not, we are happy to find the best solution that works for everyone. 


What if I put my bin out on time, but think it was missed?

Please remember that a route order can change from month to month, or issues arise causing a late start so your glass may not be picked up at the same time every collection date.  For these reasons, we ask that you wait until dark as we plan on that being our cutoff time.  We will always email you if it's necessary to collect glass at night.  If you don't see your neighbor's glass collected on your street, then we may not have reached you yet.  If you know for sure you were missed because people all around you have empty bins, then notify us immediately so we can make arrangements to correct the mistake as soon as possible.

How do I get a Crush Glass bin?

After you sign up, we will deliver an 18-gallon bin to you on the first scheduled pickup date.  We might be able to provide an early delivery option depending on how far out your first day of service is from signup date.


How much is a Crush Glass bin?

The bin is free while Crush Glass services you and required to be returned if you cancel.  An additional bin can be provide by request if the customer has consistent monthly overflow per a driver's recommendation.  There might be a fee in regards to a replacement bin which depends on price of materials at the time of your request, being a multiple offender, or damage caused by means outside of normal wear and exposure. Please refer to our terms & conditions for more details, and contact us to make a bin request.

What if I have more glass than my bin will hold?  As always, we are happy to pick up any amount of overflow but request you notify us.  Please set it out in another container, bucket, or box similar in size or smaller than our bin.  We request that you set it right next to our bin so the driver can clearly see it, and it won't be missed.  We require glass not be placed in any kind of bag (paper or plastic) as this presents a safety hazard for our drivers and might be left uncollected.  Please refer to our terms & conditions.

What CAN I put in the bin?

We accept glass drinking vessels, food & beverage containers, bottles, candle jars (wax is ok), and much more.  You do not need to remove the labels, but we do ask that you remove the lids, corks, and tops from your empty glass containers. Still not sure? See Ripple Glass's guidelines.

What CAN'T I put in the bin?

We do not accept cardboard, boxes, trash bags, ceramics, porcelain, light bulbs, mirrors, plates, Pyrex & CorningWare, laminated glass/windshields, and more. Still not sure? See Ripple Glass's guidelines.

Can I transfer my service if I move to a new address?

We are happy to transfer service as long as we currently service your area.  Please refer to our service area map.  If we do not service your new area, then learn more about becoming a Crush Glass Ambassador to bring us to your neighborhood and possibly receive one year of free service.



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Crush Glass

PO Box 47277

Kansas City, MO 64188

© 2022 Crush Glass  |  All Rights Reserved

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