​Crush Glass will provide you with an 18-gallon curbside recycling bin at no cost. You can fill that bin with as much glass, and only glass, as you want even with the labels still on.
Crush Glass will pick the glass up from your curbside once a month. Make sure it's out at the curb by 7 am so we don't miss you. Please see our pickup calendar for dates we service your area.
Crush Glass safely delivers your glass to our friends at Ripple, Kansas City's glass recycling facility, to be recycled for a variety of purposes.
Interested in giving Crush Glass a try? Sign up today! Only $10/month! Sign Up for a full year and get 1-month FREE!

Mission: to inspire and challenge the Kansas City metro, and surrounding areas, to achieve the highest levels of glass recycling to ensure a cleaner environment for all.
Crush Glass is a locally owned company dedicated to providing the Kansas City area with an easy way to recycle your glass. As you know, glass is not collected with our local curbside recycling programs because it breaks. When broken glass mixes with other recyclables, it degrades and contaminates those materials, reducing their utility and causing them to be “downcycled” into lower-quality products. That’s why we are here to pick up your glass!
Our mission is to inspire, help, and challenge the Kansas City metro, and surrounding areas, to achieve the highest levels of glass recycling to ensure a cleaner and more sustainable environment for all. We believe by making the process as easy as possible we can encourage more people to start recycling glass.
Although Crush Glass sounds new to the Kansas City area, we have been picking up glass curbside here since 2013. We take so much pride in making our environment healthy and vibrant while at the same time working to make our communities a better place to live. We are dedicated to helping our fellow Kansas Citians so we donate a portion of our proceeds to local charities and worthwhile causes.